South Portland Skatepark South Portland Skatepark

South Portland Skatepark

The state-of-the-art public skate park in Maine brings together skateboarders and other community members in a vibrant outdoor space.

Reimagining Urban Recreational Spaces

South Portland Skatepark

A coastal community in southern Maine, South Portland believes that dynamic outdoor spaces contribute significantly to both the physical and mental health of its residents. A volunteer committee formed in 2018 to help bring the South Portland Skatepark to life. The committee raised $140,000, which was a quarter of the construction cost, and the City of South Portland funded the remaining amount. Opened in 2023, the 10,000-square-foot recreational park was designed as a piece of art for the community that offered a space for skateboarders and rollerskaters to actively commune and connect. 


GRoW Support


SkatePark Project (City of South Portland)