Opéra Comique Opéra Comique

Opéra Comique

The celebrated French opera company performs in one of the country's oldest and most storied theaters.

Honoring the Past While Embracing the Future

Opéra Comique

The Opéra Comique was established under the rule of Louis XIV in 1714. It was originally named Comique for the specific opera genre that it showcases, interspersing sung lines and spoken drama. In its 300-plus years of history, the Opéra Comique has cycled through times of turbulence (its Paris theater burned down twice) and prestige. Several beloved operas premiered in this hallowed musical hall, including Georges Bizet's Carmen, Jules Massenet's Manon, and Claude Debussy's Pelléas and Mélisande. Today, the Opera Comique showcases traditional French operas and contemporary creations in the genre at its neo-Baroque home of Salle Favart, and the company furthers its love of opera by touring domestically and internationally. 


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Production - Porgy and Bess