Literacy Council of Reading-Berks Literacy Council of Reading-Berks

Literacy Council of Reading-Berks

The Pennsylvania-based nonprofit organization provides adult literacy courses and workforce preparedness programming.

Improving Communication and Collaboration through Literacy

Literacy Council of Reading-Berks

The Literacy Council of Reading-Berks was established in 1968 by 13 volunteers from various community groups who worked independently and tutored any in-need individuals they could find in Berks County. The council began operating out of a central location in the late 1970s and was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 1980. Today, the council focuses on four key outcomes: reading and writing proficiently, becoming a productive citizen, preparing for work, and achieving professional success. Programming includes English tutoring courses, high school equivalency classes, the English Forward Training Program for ESL volunteer tutors, and the Workforce Development Program for career preparedness. Through these services, the council champions adult literacy and enables people to better communicate with and contribute to their families, workplace, and community.

GRoW Support


Operations - Book Acquisitions


General Operating Support