Caron Caron


Caron treatment centers employ science-backed, comprehensive, and personalized solutions to transform lives affected by addiction and substance abuse disorders.

Setting the Standard for Addiction Treatment


Caron's roots can be traced back to 1957, when Richard J. Caron, a recovering alcoholic, and his wife, Catherine Caron, informally opened their home to others recovering from substance addictions. That same year, the couple officially established Caron (then called Chit Chat Farms) in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. The facility was one of the first internally recognized addiction treatment centers in the United States, and its name was changed in 1983 to honor its founders.

Caron is committed to bringing healing, recovery, and hope to all those who walk through its doors. Since its inception, Caron has been at the forefront of addiction treatment; the organization was one of the first to admit female alcoholics, and it became a leader in incorporating psychology into the traditional 12-step approach. Today, Caron provides an integrated behavioral health treatment that addresses not only the patient's substance abuse disorder but also coexisting addictions and underlying trauma-related issues. These world-class programs, designed for lifelong recovery, are offered at Caron treatment centers in Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C.

GRoW Support


General Operating Support