CASA of Los Angeles CASA of Los Angeles

CASA of Los Angeles

Care Appointed Special Advocates for Children of Los Angeles transforms volunteer community members into advocates for abused or neglected foster children.

Giving Voices to Vulnerable Youth

CASA of Los Angeles

Care Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Los Angeles is one of the largest local partners of the national CASA program, pairing compassionate volunteer adults with abused or neglected foster children in the city's child welfare system. Through this relationship, an adult volunteer serves as a consistent supporter and advocate for a child in need.

This support includes day-of-court advocacy, in which CASA volunteers attend court with children who do not have a guardian or escort present. In court, CASA advocates often make recommendations to judges based on their personal knowledge of the situation and correspond with attorneys on behalf of young children. Judges typically assign volunteers the most complex cases, where the need is the greatest, and the volunteers become crucial anchors in the lives of these children. With such personalized intervention, CASA of Los Angeles provides a stable and reliable environment for foster children to navigate the welfare system and thrive. 

GRoW Support


General Operating Support