Bevis Marks Synagogue Bevis Marks Synagogue

Bevis Marks Synagogue

Britain's oldest synagogue fosters an enriching Sephardi Jewish experience.

Protecting and Promoting a Sephardic Synagogue's Legacy

Bevis Marks Synagogue

Bevis Marks Synagogue — whose name in Hebrew, Qahal Kadosh Sha'ar ha-Shamayim, directly translates to "Holy Congregation Gate of Heaven" — was founded in 1701 by a small community of Sephardic Jews. The synagogue was constructed as a symbol of gratitude for the refuge that Spanish and Portuguese Jews found in London following their resettlement in England. Over the centuries, the synagogue has withstood renovations, fluctuations in the population of the local Jewish community, bombings, and two world wars. Today, the local Sephardic Jewish community has significantly diminished, but the synagogue remains an important cultural institution and religious site. It hosts Shabbat and weekday services as well as weddings and other events. Further, the synagogue has evolved into a tourism site, offering tours to visitors from across the globe.

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