National Theatre National Theatre

National Theatre

London's storied performing arts center produces theater that is rich, engaging, and, most of all, accessible.

Designing Entertainment with Everyone in Mind

National Theatre

Also referred to as the Royal National Theatre, the National Theatre opened its doors to the public in 1963, after more than a century of efforts in the United Kingdom to establish such an institution in the United Kingdom. Since its very first production, William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the National Theatre has remained steadfast in its dedication to bringing theater to the public. Each year, more than 1,000 performances by the 150-person company reach an audience of 600,000.

Located on the South Bank of the Thames River in London, the National Theatre engages a global audience through streamed and broadcast performances, international touring, and expansive educational programming. This programming ranges from family events held at the National Theatre to productions and projects across London that link to classroom curriculums for primary and secondary education. Central to the National Theatre's work is the belief that everyone, regardless of background, should have access to this transformative and inspirational art form.

GRoW Support


National Theater Live


General Operating Support


COVID-19 Relief Fund


Educational Programming in the United States


Educational Programming in the United States